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Event Series Tween Bible Study

Tween Bible Study

1706 Marissa Way, Annapolis, MD 21401 1706 Marissa Way, Annapolis, MD, United States

Our tweens Bible study is a time just for our fourth and fifth graders. We are excited about spending time together, building friendships as we study God’s word, and just...

Spring Clean Up Day

Students, families, and garden enthusiasts are invited to join the Deacons and Men’s Ministry on Saturday, March 29, from 8 a.m. to noon for our EP Spring Clean-up Day. We’ll spend...

Stephen Ministry Interest Meeting

Stephen Ministry is a one-on-one caring ministry at EP that strives to come alongside men and women when they are hurting and in need of a friend to listen, pray,...

Families in Focus Picture Day Outreach Event

On Saturday, April 5th, from 11 a.m.-1 p.m., we're hosting an outreach event for local families not currently attending EP. The event will feature two photographers taking family portraits. We'll...

Churchwide Farewell Picnic

Join us for a church-wide Farewell Picnic Luncheon for John and Connie Wood on Sunday, April 6, following the worship service. The church will provide grilled chicken, sides, and drinks. Please bring...

Event Series Pray First

Pray First

The Chapel at EP Church 710 Ridgely Ave., Annapolis, MD

We invite you to our Pray First gathering on the first Sunday of the month from 6 to 7 p.m. Join us in the Chapel as we pray for the...

Deacon Auto Clinic

Evangelical Presbyterian Church of Annapolis 710 Ridgely Ave, Annapolis, MD

Twice a year, our deacons host a Saturday auto-clinic for those who have questions about their car, need their oil changed, or require general servicing that they could not otherwise...