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Free, easy-access books and resources to support ministry

A library with electronic and hard copy materials for Christian growth and study, inspiration, and leisure

The EP Church Library is a free, convenient place to find resources to help you grow as a disciple of Jesus. From Bible commentaries to biographies of well-known Christians to children’s materials, our library can serve your reading and listening needs. Whether you prefer the feel of paper or are a digital native, we have the materials for you.

What’s in the Library

Diversity of Materials

Theology and commentaries, Christian biographies and fiction, children’s material—we have a constantly updated collection

Convenient Access

Stop by on Sunday or during the week; the library is open whenever the room is not in use.

Content for the Whole Family

Find out what the Bible says about marriage, parenting, suffering, and relationships, and find great materials for your kids

Online Catalog

EP’s library catalog is available online from your home computer to enable you to easily see what is available. The name of and link to the library is: EPA Church Library. No password is needed. Then search for material by title, author, subject, or keyword.

I love having a library that I can go to for specifically “God” books. If I bought all the books I liked, I would have no money, no room, and a huge reading pile. That is the magic of a library–it makes books available to everyone!

Crystal ClarkYoung Mom

Our library is well-supplied with multiple books on most topics and written by a variety of authors both current and from past decades. There are abundant resources for directed and purposeful learning and research as well as for the simple enjoyment of reading.

Dawn Powell

If I don’t understand something in the Bible, I can pop into the library and pull out two or three commentaries and look it up, [and] I know the books have been specifically chosen for inclusion. The library has been a great resource for me!

Peggy Parker

Contact Librarian

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Ruth Burge


Ruth has been our librarian since 2001. She loves this ministry because books have meant much to her in her Christian growth. When facing doubts about her Christian faith in college, the Christian books she found through InterVarsity gave her the answers she needed. Throughout her life, good Christian books have inspired her and helped her grow in her walk with Jesus. She loves sharing this opportunity with others.