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Resources for Members

Use the EP Online database, subscribe to our weekly Upcoming Events email, and more

Our Place in the PCA

We’re one church in the Presbyterian Church in America (PCA). We have relationships with Covenant College and Covenant Seminary, the PCA’s educational institutions. We also work with college students throughout the country as part of Reformed University Fellowship (RUF). ByFaith Magazine is our denominations periodical.

What is EP Online?

EP Online is a valuable tool for you to stay connected at EP Church. Find contact information in the church directory, send and receive messages in your groups, view your online giving statements, and more. Have questions? Email Linda Cate.

Visit EP Online
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Subscribe to Upcoming Events?

It can feel like there’s a lot to keep up with at EP. That’s why we send a weekly email summarizing what’s new and upcoming around the church. Sign up for the email designed to help you stay connected to what’s happening!